"The greatest male Saint who ever lived, was not a Deacon, not a Priest, not a Bishop, not a Pope, not a Hermit, not a Monk. He was a Husband, Father, and a Worker." St. Josemaria Escriva
St. Joseph, pray for us.
Inclement Weather Line--(816) 222-0311
Congratulations to the following 2025 Basketball City Champions
5th Grade Division: Girls--Notre Dame de Sion Boys--St. Elizabeth
6th Grade B Division: Girls--Oakhill Day Boys--Notre Dame de Sion
6th Grade A Division: Girls--St. James Boys--St. James
7th Grade B Division: Girls--St. Patrick Boys: St. Charles
7th Grade A Division: Girls--St. Thomas More Boys--St. Peter
8th Grade B Division: Boys--Notre Dame De Sion
8th Grade A Division: Girls--St. Thomas More Boys--Visitation